SEFER TORAH 24CMThis Sefer Torah was written by Rabbi Meir Granitsky Certified Sofer STa"M. This is smaller than your average Sefer Torah.It is convenient to use for a minyan in your house, trips and holiday vacations. It is also recommended for situations when a Sefer Torah is needed such as Bikur Cholim, and Nichum Aveilim.
The price of our Sefer Torahs includes hand and computer checking, a scanned copy of the Sefer Torah, certificate of Kashrus, standard Atzei Chayim, Standard Mantle and Gartel (belt). | MEZUZAH 12CMThese Mezuzahs are written by Rabbi Meir Granitsky Certified Sofer Sta"m. All of our Mezuzahs are certified Kosher individually checked by certified Soferim and computer checked. Each Mezuzah comes with it's Kashrus certification, and rolled up neatly in a plastic case. We have a number of certified Soferim on staff to accomodate any request. You may contact us with preferences of size, ktav, level of Kashrus and price range. | Pitum Haketores, Lamnatzeach MenorahOur Torah scholars and, particularly, the kabbalists teach us about the segula of reading the incense offering and the Psalm of the Menorah, and of the benefits it brings, especially when read from parchment. The recitation of the incense offering from a text hand written on parchment is a segulah for merit, wealth, and success in all endeavors. When one recites the Psalms of the Menorah everyday it's as if he has lit the Menorah in the Beis Hamikdash. |
Pitum HaketoresOur Torah scholars and, particularly, the kabbalists teach us about the segula (supernatural remedy) of reading the incense offering, and of the benefits it brings, especially when read from parchment.
The recitation of the incense offering from a text written in Torah script is a segula for merit, wealth, and success in all endeavors. (Caf HaChaim-Chapt. 132, Sec. 23) | Lamnatzeach MenorahThe Abudrahem, a student of the Baal Haturim (son of the Rosh) writes "In some places (the Lamnatzeach) is recited every day since (this psalm) is called the Psalm of the Menorah and when you recite it everyday, it is considered as you lit the Menorah in the Beit Hamikdash (...)" The Abudrahem goes on to explain that this Psalm has 49 words which relate to the 49 different parts of the Menorah - thus why we always recite this Psalm after counting the 49 days of the Omer. | MEGILLAS ESTHER 8 CMThis Megillah was written by certified Sofer Rabbi Meir Granitsky. This is smaller than your standard Megillas Esther. It is great for traveling purposes or for someone that likes to have a Megillah on hand to read to his family on Purim in the comfort of his own home. We do sell a variety of sizes and styles. Any Megillah can be ordered with Illustrations from our Artist Chaviva Granitsky, for an additional cost. |