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Tefillin Bet Yosef, Kosher Lechatchila R"T

Tefillin Bet Yosef, Kosher Lechatchila R"T


Tefillin written in Ashkenaz, Bet Yosef Mehudar Ktav. רבינו תם. It is written by Certified Sofer STa"M. this is a sample of the style and level of the writing of the mezuzah that is for sale.

  • Details

    The Parshios are written in a kosher Mehudar Bes Yosef Ktav followingly closely all the laws pertaining to writing a Tefillin. The Batim (the tefillin boxes) are made of high quality leather with a high level finish. The Tefillin come nicely packaged in it's house with leather straps.

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